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The investments in the information and real estate business of the agrarian market of Ukraine are needed. The Land Bank of Ukraine Company.

The real estate and informational support business.


My name is Igor Sobol. I am looking for a 50/50 partner with the investments to bring the Land Bank of Ukraine Company to a new international business level.

Who owns the primary information, he owns the cheap land.

The real estate and informational support business in the niche of the sales of:
The agro-companies
The agro land
The agro-processing plants and factories
The elevators
The personal peasant farming land
The share land of the villagers
We can also sell the agro technics and the agricultural chemistry.

Relying on my experience of the independent work as the private entrepreneur in this niche and the market research, I developed the business model that in a short time will be able to take the company to the leading positions in this niche.

The web site created by me already occupies the leading positions in the Google search engine, etc. Even with the disabled targeting ads, I get 1-3 new customers per week. The customers’ number will increase if I launch the advertising traffic. But there is one important point. In order to serve the bigger number of the buyers and satisfy their demands, it is necessary to provide the quality information about the selling objects. For this purpose it is necessary to create the real sales department, as well as the marketing promotion of the company. I am the expert of this sphere.
While working the information, the communications and the working model have been developed:

The trusted relationships with dozens of the intermediaries throughout Ukraine.
The trustworthy relationship with the buyers, which are waiting for a good offer.
The CRM – The customer database (about 300 people).
The GoogleDoc – the database of objects (about 100).
The website of the company – Land Bank of Ukraine

The expected results of the properly organized work of the company are:

The increasing of the customers flow when launching the advertising campaign on the site.
The increasing of the speed of the processing information about the objects, the customers, the intermediaries.
The improving of the quality of the data obtained, the screening out incompetent intermediaries, the reducing the percentage of the fake publication and the untruthful information.
The improving of the time management, all tasks are clearly planned. It is impossible to miss the important actions, the calls, or the meetings.
The company entering to a new level, the authority increasing in the Ukrainian land market and gaining the trust from the clients, the corporations, the intermediaries, etc.
The popularization and the approval of the brand "Land Bank of Ukraine".

The entrance into the business is $ 60 000.
The half of this amount will be invested in the listed above plans.

At the stage of the lifting the embargo on the land sale in Ukraine our company can be in the right place with the best positions on the market.

I am ready to provide more information and answer all your questions.

If you are interested, please contact:

Regards, Igor Sobol

Вид послуги: Пошук партнерів
Назва компанії: Land Bank of Ukraine

Ділові контакти Пошук партнерів, Фото Ділові контакти Пошук партнерів, Фото
E-mail: 3dр***@gmаil.соm
Місце:Хмельницька область, Хмільницький
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РоздрукуватиДата: 12.07.2017 10:24
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